Study Abroad Realities: Navigating Challenges in Spain

Dahiana J. Vásquez
3 min readJan 5, 2024

Once upon a time, the dream of living abroad captivated the hearts of many, myself included. The allure of experiencing different cultures, learning new languages, and broadening horizons has a magnetic pull. The globalization wave made pursuing this dream seemingly more accessible, often through educational endeavors like pursuing a master’s degree, enrolling in an Erasmus program, or engaging in diplomatic studies.

Photo by Yuya Hata on Unsplash

When the opportunity arises, it feels like fate smiles upon us. Scholarships that finance our stay seem like the gateway to an idyllic chapter. But alas, reality swiftly reveals its complexities, casting shadows over this envisioned paradise.

Let me be clear: the journey of residing in a foreign land, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, forging new connections, and traversing the globe is transformative. It equips you with invaluable tools, fostering self-discovery, empathy, and a broader worldview. Should one ask me if studying abroad is worthwhile, my resounding answer echoes: “Yes, absolutely!” Yet, it’s crucial not to tread this path with blind optimism, assuming a seamless and effortless journey.

Allow me to share a snippet of my tale, rooted in my experience here in Spain. Embarking on this journey necessitated a student visa, followed by obtaining my TIE, a residency permit crucial for my studies. However, pursuing a Ph.D. meant enduring a prolonged process of renewing my residency each year, each renewal more arduous than the last. The bureaucratic hurdles, agonizingly slow for students, often test one’s patience. Waiting for up to six months for a response after timely submission becomes a nerve-wracking norm.

The initial renewal was swift, yet subsequent attempts proved an ordeal. As I strive to focus on my thesis and academic pursuits, the weight of human anxieties looms large. The absence of a scholarship — my financial safety net expired — compels me to meticulously manage my savings. With an expired card preventing updates to my bank account, obtaining a social security number or securing a part-time job becomes an insurmountable challenge.

Surviving becomes plausible, meeting rent and basic needs feasible, yet the constant undercurrent of anxiety persists. The looming uncertainty of unemployment, coupled with endless administrative limbo, fosters a perpetual state of unease.

Another facet of this odyssey involves housing. Unless one boasts the privilege of wealth cushioning their journey, communal living becomes the norm. Picture sharing not just a roof but a bathroom with nine other individuals. The challenge extends beyond mere cleanliness; it infringes upon one’s sense of home, where personal rules and comfort blur within communal spaces. I’ve navigated shared living with as many as 26 housemates over the last three years, witnessing a spectrum of experiences — from minor inconveniences to confronting deeply unsettling instances of prejudice and disrespect.

The sanctity of a home, intended as a haven for rest and solace, can swiftly dissolve into a constant balancing act, navigating others’ lifestyles and inevitable disturbances.

My advice echoes a simple maxim: “Less is more.” Strive for minimalism in your living arrangements, aiming for fewer housemates (ideally no more than three, counting yourself). While controlling your cohabitants might be a challenge, setting clear boundaries and rules from the outset could mitigate potential conflicts.

Regarding paperwork, meticulous organization from the onset proves invaluable. Align all documentation under your initial permit, aiming for coherence. Patience, a virtue tested during administrative processes, particularly when unemployed, becomes a steadfast companion. Embrace the transience of this phase and remember, the option to return to your homeland is always available.

The tale of studying abroad is a mosaic of triumphs, challenges, and resilience. It’s a journey marked not solely by euphoric highs but also by gritty perseverance through intricate hurdles. So, while the path may be littered with obstacles, the lessons learned and the metamorphosis undergone make this endeavor a treasured chapter in the grand narrative of life.



Dahiana J. Vásquez

Traveler woman. From my experiences ✍🏼to inspire others to know 🌍 📸 Photographer out of passion 👩🏽‍🏫 Teacher by vocation.