Stories of a new runner

Dahiana J. Vásquez
3 min readNov 17, 2021

I began running earlier this year. I started with a program from a website that my boyfriend shared with me. The plan was to run 5k in 12 weeks for beginners. I was skeptical about it. My experience running before this was awful. My chest closed, my breath shortened, my abdomen hurt, my nose got stuck… When I was hiking in some mountain or elevated area I had to stop every 5 minutes to take a breath. So I didn't though that running was for me. Moreover, I have some problems with my knees, so I was afraid that something bad could happen to them while I run.

But I need it to do some exercise. I didn't want to start the gym because the covid and the yoga weren't enough anymore. I was fat. I felt fat. So I began this program and was just great. The first week was "easy". Some days were intense, and the first time that I had to jog 5 to 8 minutes straight I thought that I couldn't do it. However, I started to enjoy the days that I have to train. I felt with more energy, enjoy the walks or jogs, breathed better, and mostly felt good about my body again. I finished the program and run 5k in 14 weeks. This is because there were two weeks that I had to repeat. After all, I couldn't finish the training on time. For example, if the program said that I have to train 4 times per week, but there was one week that I only train for 2 days, I usually start all over that week again.

That day, when I could jog for 5km straight, my average pace was 09:47 min/km in 49 minutes. I wasn't fast, but I was steady and for me was an achievement. After that, I start again but I travel for two months so couldn't finish that season. Now, I'm doing the 10km program, and today I made 6k with an average pace of 09:09 min/km in 55 minutes. I improve my time in the five weeks that I have done the program. Disclaimer, today I had to walk 1km and jog 1km three times, so I mostly jog 3km but still. If even walking I was able to make a better average pace I feel really well about it.

When I was doing the 5km program, my knees were suffering, sometimes in the days that I had to run more, I had to put some ice on them later. But in these five weeks of the new one, I hadn't needed it yet. Also, this time I go to the gym and do some weight lifting exercises so I'm getting stronger too.

When I go for a jog or walk, depending on the day, I took a route that I know, there are not many people, at an hour in the morning where the sun is up and the air is fresh. Now in the fall the morning are cooler but with my thermal clothing for exercise, I go out to stretch my body and start off walking. Immediately I fell warm. I'm not going to lie to you, sometimes is hard and I'm not sure that I'm gonna complete the route, but until now I did it and it feels great to accomplish something like that.

Now I started to understand that kind of people that run for fun. Although I don't think that you have to wake up at 5 a.m to do it, obviously that's gonna depend on your schedule, I'm glad that right now mine is very flexible so I can go at 9 to 10 a.m. without getting stressed about it.

When I jog, because I can't say that I run, I feel free, relaxed, and in peace. I saw the trees, the colors of the season, the blue sky, the people cycling, running, or walking, people walking their dogs, students going to class, workers going to their jobs… I can see the life around me I can listen to my music and concentrate on it. My mind is at peace.



Dahiana J. Vásquez

Traveler woman. From my experiences ✍🏼to inspire others to know 🌍 📸 Photographer out of passion 👩🏽‍🏫 Teacher by vocation.